
Plan Your Perfect Move

Plan Your Perfect Move

It doesn’t matter if you moving to a city or the country, you’ll need a plan so you have a smooth move.

The moving process has a lot of factors and things to consider. Different moves require different amounts of thought and energy. Moving within the same town or city can be very different from moving across the country. We wanted to help you with your next move, no matter how far or how big. We’ve compiled this list of things that you should consider even if you’re moving across town, or into a new a home.

Before the perfect move:

Securing Your New Place (2-6 months before move)-

Down payments made, leases signed, and keys in hand. No unwanted surprises when you get to your new place, this is the goal.

“Setting Down Roots” (1-2 months before move)

If you are currently on any boards, or participate in any religious groups, look into connecting with these circles before the move. That way you can stay connected with activities that you had in your previous location. Making connections early will help you with settling into your new place faster.

Transfers  (2 weeks – 2 Months before move)-

There are a lot of things that you will want to transfer before you move, and here is a list from furthest out to closer to moving day.

School Records (2 months before move)-

Make sure you children have no issues with starting up at their new school by transferring their records sooner rather than later.

Bank and Finances (2-3 weeks before move):

Depending on where you move, your bank or credit union may not follow you there, talk to your financial institution about transferring funds to a new bank account or credit union in your new area. Make sure all your credit cards, loan institutions, and brokerage firms know your new address.

Address change (1-2 weeks before move):

All you have to do is fill out out a “Mail Forwarding” form online or in person and postdate it for the week you move. Employers, friends, and family should all be alerted to your new address.

All other things (1-2 weeks before move)

Health, life, fire and auto insurance, mobile phone providers, magazine subscriptions, mo

“Spring Cleaning” (1-2 months before move)  –

About a month or two before your move it’s recommended that you slim down/ get rid of things you may not need. Old couch not gonna cut it any more? Wardrobe way to big? Before a move is the best time to do some “spring cleaning” to get rid of things you may not need or want any more. This includes food, kitchenware, and even personal possessions.

Utilities (1 month before)-

Making sure you’re all paid up, collect your deposit, and find out who you your new utility suppliers will be. Gas, electric, water, trash, phone, cable and internet all need to be accounted for. Nothing is worse than getting to a new place and not having these essentials taken care of.

Medical, Dental and all other special documents

See if your Dr. and dentist can refer you to any anyone in your new area. Make sure your prescriptions, health records, and other important documents are sent to your new practitioners.


Make sure to know the rules and regulations around pets in your new area. Tags, vet records, and vaccine records should all be accounted for.

House things

Make sure your fridge will be cleared out by the move, freezer empty and defrosted, and appliances ready to move.



Consider a moving service (1-2 month before move) :

Moving services can be take a lot of stress of your move. If you have any disabilities, injuries, or just can’t lift that darn sofa sleeper moving services can help. Depending on how much stuff you have, it’s worth the investment to make sure that it will get to your new location safely. No one wants to be the guy who has to ask their friends to help on moving day, so save yourself the trouble and get a moving service. Click here for a free quote on your next move, we can help make your move easier.

Account for everything (2 weeks before move):

If you are moving into an urban environment, how accessible is your new location? Sometimes special arrangements with the local municipality or landlords are needed in order to make sure that you will have the proper parking spaces in order to move.

Weight restrictions? Local rules and regulations? Travel time? All this should be figured out before the move so things will go smoother.

On the move:

-Have a plan. Know how long your travel is, how many stops you might have to make, and coordinate with your moving company.

-Make sure you have enough cash/checks to cover any travel expenses.

-keep all valuables such as jewelry, personal computers, and other valuables on you.

– You can’t travel with flammable items, so either use them up or get rid of them.

-Make sure keys are turned in

We hope this list has helped you with planning your next move. And remember, if you need someone to help with your next move, we can help. Click here for a free quote today.

Posted In: Apartment Moving, Downtown Area Moving, Holiday Moving

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