Let’s face it, winter moving is not fun. In addition to all the stressors that come with moving, you also have to deal with seasonal hazards. Fortunately, you can avoid all of these issues by hiring professional movers at Men on the Move! However, what hazards will you be facing during the snowy season? Seasonal […]
Tags: moving and packing, moving specials, pack and move, Winter Moving
Men on the Move is a proud member of the BNI with membership in Farmington Hills and representatives in other chapters, we highly recommend local businesses to join the group. Being one of the BNI Movers and members, we see firsthand how the group can help you grow your business. Take a look at how […]
Posted In: Business, Movers in Michigan
It’s important to know what to expect from professional movers. Moving is one of the biggest stressors a person can experience. As a result, many people hire professional movers to make the process easier. However, understanding the expectation of the movers and yourself can make moving a cakewalk. So, what should expect from your professional […]
Posted In: Livonia, Movers in Michigan
Tags: Livonia movers, Men on the Move, packing, Professional Movers
It is rather stressful to hire emergency movers. While most people have time to carefully plan out their moves, others are not so lucky. A sudden change in your life can cause you to scramble to find movers on short notice. These circumstances can leave people in a tight situation with very few options. However, […]
Posted In: Moving