
Property Clean Up and Preparation

Property Clean Up and Preparation

You find the oddest things when you move into a new house. Even after you’ve bought a house and the sellers have moved out, there are always things that you see or find. Some of our clients have told us about their findings. One client reported finding a dark room set hidden in the attic, including the chemicals. While another one found a vintage movie camera and tapes. As a result, we encourage people to take a look at their new home before moving in. Property clean-up is an important step for any homeowner to complete before moving in your belongings and family.

Property Clean-Up Tips

To prepare your new home to be move in ready, you probably will need to do some property clean-up! The first thing you should do is inspect all areas of the house including:

  • Bedrooms
  • Kitchen
  • Bathrooms
  • Common Rooms
  • Basement
  • Garage
  • Yard

This will help you devise a plan to prepare your space.

Junk and Debris Removal

First, look for any surprise gifts! To be sure, it is probably just junk, but their may be some stuff you want to keep before removing what you don’t. Here are a few:

  • Matching paint that is still good
  • Manuals, parts and tools that go with items still in use
  • Storage cabinets
  • Gardening tools and supplies

More likely you’ll find junk and some of it may require special handling or help to remove like:

  • Paints or oil that needs disposal
  • Old sheds, storage cabinets or fixtures 
  • Unwanted appliances and furniture

Cleaning and Final Checks

You’ll want to start with general cleaning. These tasks include dusting and wiping down surfaces, vacuuming, windows, and ceiling/light fixtures. Cleaning the fundamental components is a great start to get your home prepared.

After addressing the general cleaning, you start addressing area-specific items such as appliances and built-in countertops. You should also consider replacing your HVAC filters to ensure you have clean air in your home.

Finally, you should check for any pests and do safety checks before moving into your new home. You may need to call the city or a pest removal company. You definitely want that taken care of before you move int!

To be sure, there are some messes that are too big for new homeowners. That is where Men on the Move can help!

We’ve Got You!

If you manage to find an excess amount of junk and debris in your new home, Men on the Move can help you handle it! In addition to our moving services, we offer extensive Junk and Debris Removal services. We can handle everything from your home, basement, shed, garage, and more! Whether it’s a cluttered garage or removing extra appliances, you are in capable hands with Men on the Move!